28 February 2024
MP Filtri and Inter Campus: Concrete Steps for Comprehensive Growth in Naggalama"
Shoes, Shoes! The joyful cry of primary school children echoed as Inter Campus coaches arrived with a special gift: five boxes of sports shoes. This generous donation is the result of the joint commitment of MP Filtri employees, the historic sponsor of the Uganda project. In a unique initiative, workers joined the company to demonstrate their tangible involvement in supporting Ugandan children.
While MP Filtri annually contributes significantly, this time employees decided to add a personal touch to their support. Direct engagement enhanced the mission to improve the lives of Naggalama's children.
With new shoes and radiant smiles, around two hundred children took turns in training led by Inter Campus coaches Gabriele and Roberto. The initiative not only provided practical benefits in the form of new shoes but also offered an opportunity to impart valuable life lessons through sports.
Twenty local coaches, trained during a course, applied classroom teachings in the field. Emphasis was placed on aspects of mastery and connection, pillars of resilience. The practical application of these principles occurred seamlessly, ensuring not just the children's enjoyment but also equipping local educators with practical tools.
The methodology involved giving children a choice of tasks with varying difficulties, contributing to improving their self-efficacy. Additionally, training through competitions and awarding consistently positive scores fueled the construction of optimism, a crucial element in youth development.
In the coming months, educational efforts will continue with fun and creative approaches to foster comprehensive growth among Naggalama's youth. The steadfast commitment of MP Filtri and Inter Campus lays the foundation for a brighter and more promising future for these children, proving that when "MP Filtri is us," tangible steps can be taken to improve the world around us.
Due to the significant response to the shoe collection project, Mp Filtri employees have decided to extend the initiative deadline until the end of July.

See you soon, Naggalama.